Ergonomics in Action

A good friend of mine needed some help with data entry at her workplace, so she asked if I wanted to pitch in. It’s been a long time since I put on my business clothes and went to work in an office, but I’m happy to help. As I settled into my borrowed desk and computer at the office, I made sure my arms and wrists were happy with the ergonomic set up. I’ve had problems with RSI (repetitive strain injury) in my wrists in the past, and didn’t want to aggravate any old injuries. It turns out that I … Continue reading

Why is My Pain Treated Differently at Work?

I have a close friend who works all day behind a computer and has for over 20 years. During the past five years his hands, elbows, shoulders and neck have started to feel the stress. Over the last year the pain and difficulty has become progressively worse and the company Ergonomics department has actively attempted to make his work area a custom fit in order to reduce the stress. My friend earns a great living at what he does, and over the last five months returns home a little early in order to make out with a heating pad, take … Continue reading