House of Representatives Starts Work On New Health Care Plan

The Republicans in the House of Representatives have begun putting together a health care plan that they are intending to see as a replacement for the Affordable Care Act. While this plan is not yet complete, there are already some significant changes that, if passed, will affect health insurance. Earlier this week, the House of Representatives voted to repeal the health care law that is called the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare”. Next, the House of Representatives will make a new and different health care plan, which they would like to see replace the one that they voted to repeal. … Continue reading

Ways the Repeal May Affect Health Insurance

Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted to appeal the health care law. What happens now? How is this going to affect health insurance? There has been much discussion, all over the internet, about this topic today. There are a few things that we know for certain in regards to the repeal. We know that The House of Representatives has, officially, voted to repeal the health care law. We know that before the law can be completely repealed, the Senate must vote to repeal it as well. We know that if the Senate votes to repeal the health care law, then … Continue reading