Planning a Sales Party or Workshop? Consider Offering Childcare

I recently received a flyer for a large international conference. Although I was impressed with the slick program and information, what really jumped out at me was that the conference planners were offering child care. The flyer stated that if a registrant or participant needed child care they would need to call in advance and there would be a fee, but child care would be available. I couldn’t help but think what a great idea! And it got me to thinking about those of us who might be operating our own consulting or direct sales businesses from our homes and … Continue reading

Keep an Eye on Financial Risk

Yes, running a business IS about making money…and, yes, it does take some spending of money to make money…and, yes, there is an element of financial risk in just about everything we do in our home businesses—but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t keep an eye on the financial risks that do present themselves and try to keep that risk to a manageable minimum. What constitutes financial risk? Well, you will want to keep an eye on the expenses, or course, but you will also want to keep an eye out for areas where you are considering growth or expansion … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week In Review March 13-19, 2007

Insurance Term Of The Week: Underwriter I sure have been finding the Parental Liability Blogs very interesting to write. It seems that we are responsible for a wide range of things our children might do as we raise them. This series has sure made me rethink some of the things I expect from the system. Parenting is a real risk financially and some of the ways we are responsible are interesting. Wednesday, March 14, 2007. Four More Parental Liable Issues Negligent Supervision is a legal theory where a minor child’s parents are held liable for their child’s negligent acts when … Continue reading