What is in Your First Aid Kit?

A better first question would be — do you HAVE a first aid kit? I hope you do. In an emergency, a first aid kit is an extremely handy thing to have. In fact, the Red Cross suggests keeping a first aid kit in your home and another in your car. They also suggest knowing where your first aid kit is at work and keeping one in the dorm. There are lots of first aid kits available for sale. Mine came from Costco. You can pick one up at your local pharmacy, or even order one from the Red Cross … Continue reading

Driving the Healthy Highway

Sitting in the car all day can cut your usual daily calorie burn by as much as four hundred calories! If you’ve got a family road trip planned, use these tips to keep the highway a little healthier. Adjust your calorie intake accordingly. You’ll burn four hundred calories less sitting in the car all day, so you should be eating four hundred calories less, too! Stock up on drinks. That recirculated air (or open windows) can dry you out and make you thirsty. If you’ve got bottled water and other healthy drinks handy, you won’t be tempted to stop at … Continue reading

Summer Road Trip Auto Safety Check

This weekend will be the busy three-day last hurrah of summer and many of us plan to hit the road. With each season there are different risks drivers face while traveling. In the summer it’s easy to delay routine maintenance. Preventative maintenance is a summer driving must! Depending on how good you are about the routine maintains before you leave on vacation be sure to have things done. Anything from overheated cooling systems, tire problems and burned transmissions can leave vacationers stranded or create a safety risk. Be sure to have the oil changed and check for other potential problems … Continue reading

Sunday Travel Funnies—When Life Gets Bad Sometimes You Just Have To Laugh

Happy Sunday… and welcome to this week’s installment of “Sunday Travel Funnies.” I decided to preface this week’s blog with a disclaimer: The following story is about a man who had the unthinkable happen—he had his car stolen twice in one day. Some of you who may not think that being the victim of a crime is a laughing matter, but wait until you read the entire blog before you rush to judgment. The victim’s reaction to an otherwise horrendous ordeal may surprise you. York Heiden lives in a north central Wisconsin city I called home the summer preceding my … Continue reading

Auto Emergency Kits

Some of the most tragic stories of vacations gone wrong are often those where a person or family experiences a situation where they are lost or stranded in their automobiles. While the risk of life and death situations are far more common with winter driving trips, no matter the season families can suffer great peril when traveling by car. The truth is that most of the tragic stories we hear on the evening news may have been avoided had families considered and prepared for the worst possible situations they might face along their journeys. When we jump in the car … Continue reading