Disability Income Insurance Can Protect Your Family

Your paycheck is very important! Your family depends on it in order to pay bills, buy groceries, and have a comfortable life. If you, or your spouse, suddenly became unable to work, how would your family survive? One thing that can help is disability income insurance coverage. Did you know that May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month? Now is a good time to learn more about a type of insurance that many people know very little about. There are two types of disability insurance. One comes from the federal government, and the other is something that you can purchase through … Continue reading

How to Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability is a program that is designed to provide income to people who are unable to work because they have a disability. This program is available for adults and children. Parents can apply for benefits for their children who have disabilities. Here is a quick guide that can help you get started. Trying to navigate your way through the application process for Social Security Disability benefits can be overwhelming. In general, government websites that are designed to give people information about how to qualify for benefits are written in language that is extremely difficult to understand. Don’t let … Continue reading

The Controversy Behind Social Security Disability Insurance

The federal government has a program called Social Security Disability Insurance. It is designed to be used by people who are unable to work due to a mental or physical health issue. There are judges who are supposed to evaluate each individual case, and determine who is eligible. It seems that one of the judges has an extremely high rate of approval. An investigation has been started. Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published a front page article that pointed out the very high award rate of one of the administrative judges whose job it is to evaluate applications … Continue reading

May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month

When people think about getting insurance, they usually think of auto insurance, health insurance, and life insurance. Disability insurance is often overlooked. How much do you really know about disability insurance? May is the perfect month to learn more about this kind of insurance policy. There are two different types of disability insurance. The federal government has a program that provides financial assistance to people who are disabled. Another name for it is Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. You cannot purchase this type of disability insurance. Instead, you must apply for it. You will be asked several questions about your … Continue reading

Woman Loses Disability Benefits Due to Belly Dancing

One should always be careful about the kind of information that you choose to put online. This seems to be especially true if you happen to be getting disability insurance benefits. People who are going through a divorce, or who have gotten a settlement from a divorce, should also be cautious about how much they say online. A woman lost her disability insurance benefits after blogging about her belly dancing activities. The federal government has a program that provides financial assistance to people who have become disabled to the point where they can no longer work. A person either gets … Continue reading

No Raise In Disability Insurance Benefits Next Year

Now is the time of year when letters will be sent to people who are currently getting Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. These letters will provide information about what to expect in regards to the amount of your benefit checks in the coming year. The letter my husband got was a bit disappointing this time around. My husband is legally blind, which means he qualifies for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. He is able to work part time, and the money he gets from his Disability Insurance is an incredibly helpful supplement to his income. It is something we rely … Continue reading

Can’t Get Unemployment Insurance? Try Disability!

The United States is going through a time when the unemployment rate is very high. It has been like this for several years now. Recently, the House of Representatives voted against another extension of unemployment benefits, which means that many of the Americans who were eligible for unemployment insurance no longer will be receiving that form of financial assistance. What can they do? It seems that whenever unemployment is high, there is a corresponding surge of people who apply for disability insurance. During the fiscal year of 2010, there were 3.2 million applications for disability insurance. This is significantly more … Continue reading

Social Security Disability

Disability is something we hear about happening to other people, but don’t think will happen to ourselves, until the day it does. The risks of becoming disabled before retirement are 3-in-10 for the average 20-year-old worker, according so some studies. As we build our families and develop our careers we balance risk and do our best to build a strong foundation to provide for our families in the worst case scenario. Disability is something none of us want to expect but, the odds are great we may in fact need to plan for the possibility. Disability Insurance is one way … Continue reading

Focus on the Candidates – Mike Huckabee

This blog is part of the series that focuses on the candidates who are running for President of the United States in 2016. This blog focuses on Mike Huckabee. Mike Huckabee served as the 44th Governor of Arkansas from 1996-2007. He ran an unsuccessful campaign for President of the United States in 2008. In 2012, he became a host on Fox News Channel, and stepped down when he decided to make a second attempt at running for President in 2016. Health Care According to his official website, Mike Huckabee promises that as President, he will repeal Obamacare. His website says … Continue reading

Medicaid Programs for Kids in New Hampshire

The Medicaid program in each and every state has a portion that covers children. In New Hampshire, there are several different programs that provide health insurance coverage to children who come from low income families. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It provides health insurance coverage for low income individuals and families who cannot afford to buy a health plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It is also funded, in part, by the government of an individual state. In New Hampshire, the Medicaid program is administered … Continue reading