Insurance Podcast Roundup – Week of July 9, 2012

Once a week, the Insurance Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss topics related to insurance. This is an easy way to keep up to date with the changes to insurance that could affect the policies that protect your family. NPR released an episode of “Morning Edition” on June 29, 2012. This episode is called “Health Care Ruling Is A Mixed Bag For Insurers”. Host Linda Wertheimer and Host Renee Montagne speak with Karen Ignani. She is the president and CEO of American’s Health Insurance Plans, or AHIP. They discuss the impact of the Supreme Court’s … Continue reading

Swiss Required to Buy Health Insurance Since 1996

The individual mandate is, by far, the most complained about portion of the Affordable Care Act. As I write this blog, we are waiting to hear the Supreme Court’s ruling about it. Conversely, the Swiss government has required people to purchase health insurance since 1996. You probably haven’t heard about that, though, because the Swiss didn’t get outraged about it. In 1996, the Swiss government created federal laws that were designed to control the costs of health insurance and to ensure equitable coverage for everyone. One of the requirements that went into affect made all Swiss residents purchase health insurance … Continue reading

Insurance Companies Leaving the Business

Did your insurance company decide to get out of the insurance business entirely? Many insurance companies have elected to cease offering certain kinds of insurance policies, in response to the new health care reform laws. Some insurance companies are finding the new laws and regulations to be so disagreeable that they have essentially decided to “take their ball and bat and go home”. This can cause problems for the consumers who were getting their health insurance from a company that closed up shop. If you have been keeping up with the news, then you are already aware that there have … Continue reading

Reactions to Changes In Health Insurance

There have been a lot of changes involving health insurance this year, and there will be more coming in the next few years. A quick look at the headlines shows that there have been some very different reactions to these changes. While some people, or organizations, feel that these changes are a positive things, others see them as negative. On the positive side, consumers have been seeing some benefits about the cost of health insurance. Some of the new regulations also are to the benefit of consumers. Private insurance companies are no longer allowed to deny health insurance coverage to … Continue reading

Seniors and Wellness Checkups

If you are a senior citizen, you may or may not know that there is a “Welcome to Medicare” physical exam for which Medicare pays 80 percent of the cost. The reason I said you may or may not know about it is because in 2010, less than 10 percent of senior citizens took advantage of this exam. However, starting in 2011, Medicare is going to make a stab at getting seniors in for wellness checkups with a new preventative health exam. This new exam, which offers many preventative screenings and services for free, gets the patients together with their … Continue reading