Oklahoma Genealogy Resources

The nickname for Oklahoma is the “Sooner State”. The term Sooner goes back to the Land Run of 1889. Are you searching for information about your ancestors who lived in Oklahoma? Try some of these Oklahoma genealogy resources. Cyndi’s List might be the most comprehensive list of genealogy links online. If it is on the internet, then Cyndi’s List probably has a link to it. They have a page called “United States – Oklahoma”. Start by selecting the category you want to browse through. Some include: “Birth, Marriage, Death”, “Census”, “Counties”, “Military”, “Newspapers” and more! GeneaLinks has a search engine … Continue reading

Medicaid in Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota

It has been a while since I have written a Week In Review for the Insurance Blog. Now is a good time to continue it. This will give you a quick way to “ketchup” with whatever blogs you may have missed . These blogs appeared between August 12, 2012, and August 18, 2012. Medicaid in Oklahoma is Called SoonerCare Oklahoma makes it easy to find out the eligibility requirements for their Medicaid, or “SoonerCare” program. The term “Sooner” is something that is unique to Oklahoma. Child Health is Oklahoma’s Medicaid for Kids Every state has a portion of the Medicaid … Continue reading

Oklahoma’s Pregnancy Services Program is Part of Medicaid

Typically, the Medicaid program of an individual state will include a portion of the program that is designed to help low-income women who are pregnant to receive necessary health care. In Oklahoma, that program is called Pregnancy Services. You can tell by the name exactly what it is for. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide health insurance for families and individuals who are low-income and who cannot afford to purchase a health insurance plan from a private company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government, and, in part, … Continue reading

Child Health is Oklahoma’s Medicaid for Kids

In Oklahoma, Medicaid is called SoonerCare. The Oklahoma Children’s Health program is called Child Health, and is included under the Medicaid, or SoonerCare, program. This program covers individuals who are age 20 or younger, and who meet the eligibility requirements. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to cover individuals and families who are low-income and who cannot afford to buy a health insurance plan from a private company. Medicaid is funded partially by the federal government and in part by the government of an individual state. In Oklahoma, the Medicaid program is … Continue reading

Medicaid in Oklahoma is Called SoonerCare

The Medicaid program in Oklahoma is called SoonerCare. The name “Sooner” goes back into the state’s history. Oklahoma was one of the states that accepted federal funding that is designed to be used in order to create a state health insurance exchange. Eligible people will be able to apply for Medicaid through the exchange. What is a Sooner? It is a term that is uniquely connected to Oklahoma history. According to SoonerSports.com the word goes back to an event called the “Land Run of 1889”. This was when settlers who were seeking free land came to the Oklahoma Territory to … Continue reading