Arizona has a Health Care Cost Containment System

Every state has a Medicaid program. Each state can choose to name their program whatever they want to. Some just call it “Medicaid”. Others use the word “Healthy” in the name. California calls it Medi-Cal. Arizona’s Medicaid program is called the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. I’ve been writing about insurance for a couple of years now. In that span of time, Arizona has consistently come up with some of the most extreme ideas about health insurance coverage that the nation has ever seen. This is the state that created a bill called House Bill 2625 which would have … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – July 8 – 14, 2012

Every week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review brings you a quick and easy way to “ketchup” on the blogs that have been posted here in the past seven days. There could be anywhere between twelve and fourteen blogs that appear. Which ones did you miss? Jan Brewer Wants to Take Away Health Insurance Benefits Arizona Governor Jan Brewer wants the Supreme Court to allow her to terminate health insurance coverage for the same-sex partners of state workers. An appeals court would not allow her to do that. The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up on July 9, 2012. This time, … Continue reading

Jan Brewer Wants to Take Away Health Insurance Benefits

There are thousands of Americans who lack health insurance coverage. Governor Jan Brewer wants to add to that number. She has asked the Supreme Court to terminate health-care benefits for state employees’ same-sex partners. I think that we can all agree that the quality of a person’s life is better when that person has health insurance coverage. People who have health insurance can see a doctor when they are sick, and avoid having a small illness turn into a major health problem. People who have health insurance have a better chance of being able to pay their medical bills. It … Continue reading