Medicaid in Five States

The Insurance Blog Week in Review gives you a quick and easy way to get a summary of all the blogs that appeared here in the past seven days. This time, there is information about the Medicaid programs in Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. South Carolina Medicaid Programs for Women This blog focuses on the portions of the Medicaid programs that cover the health care needs of women in South Carolina. The main Medicaid program provides that coverage. So does the Optional Coverage for Women and Infants (OCWI) program. There is also a Family Planning Waiver … Continue reading

Information About Medicaid in West Virginia

Every state has its own Medicaid program. The West Virginia Bureau for Medical Services administers the Medicaid program. It is fairly easy to find out about what Medicaid covers, how to apply, and the eligibility program from its website. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It provides coverage for individuals and families who are low income and who cannot afford to purchase health insurance coverage from a private insurer. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It is also funded by the government of an individual state. In West Virginia, the Medicaid program … Continue reading

Vermont has the Healthiest Kids

We all want our kids to be healthy! It appears that the state of Vermont is doing very well towards making that hope a reality. Data gathered by the Centers for Disease Control about the Green Mountain State shows that Vermont has the healthiest kids in America. How does what Vermont is doing compare to your state? The Centers for Disease Control’s Data Resource Center released a survey called The National Survey of Children’s Health. It took the results of the survey and presented them in a way that made it more accessible to parents (as well as other researchers … Continue reading

“Mystery Shopper” Insurance Surveys On Hold

The Obama administration has decided against doing surveys that would involve having “mystery shoppers” calling doctor’s offices in order to find out information about how difficult it would be to get an appointment. This decision comes after much criticism of the idea. A “mystery shopper” is a term used to describe a person who is pretending to be a typical customer, but who is actually doing a type of undercover investigation for the purposes of gathering specific types of information about the business, corporation, store, or office. You may have heard the term “secret shopper”, which means the exact same … Continue reading

American Expansionism – Waistlines Are Continue to Grow

Did you know that American healthcare costs could save about $5.6 billion in treating heart disease if a fraction of Americans, just one-tenth would begin a regular walking program? The report comes from a 2004 study in healthcare costs and the rising concerns associated with obesity and obesity related health problems. The Trust for America’s Health is an advocacy group that supports and promotes increasing the public health funding. They recently published a study that shows an increase in obesity in 31 states with Mississippi leading the way at 29.5% of adults being obese, increasing 1.1% over the previous year. … Continue reading