Reasons to Take Good Care of Your Christmas Tree

When does your family put up the Christmas tree? Some families decorate the tree before Thanksgiving, and others wait until a few days before Christmas to do it. The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety wants to remind you to take good care of your Christmas tree. There is the potential that a Christmas tree could catch fire. Many families have made a tradition of picking out a Christmas tree, and decorating it together. The tree is a big part of the season. What else would you put all those presents under? People have a tendency to think of … Continue reading

Amica Insurance Has Advice About Christmas Trees

Will your family be celebrating Christmas with a real tree this year? Amica Insurance has some excellent advice for finding, and caring for, your Christmas tree. Following this advice is a good way to make your celebration safer, and more pleasant. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree is the centerpiece of the season. You will see them in stores, churches, and in people’s homes at this time of year. Most retail stores will select an easy to care for plastic Christmas tree to put up. Many families, however, have traditions that include selecting a real Christmas tree. Real Christmas trees require … Continue reading

Beware of Unemployment Insurance Scammers

There is a new insurance scam happening, and you, or your loved ones, might be targeted. Scammers have started attempting to steal people’s unemployment insurance benefits. Never give personal information to a stranger that calls you on the telephone, even if they sound official. People who are receiving unemployment insurance benefits have gone through some difficult times. This person either got laid off, or had the company he works for go out of business. Unemployment insurance benefits are not enough to live on, and are never equal to the amount of money that a person made before losing his or … Continue reading

Amica Insurance Has Tips For Safe Winter Driving

The East Coast of the United States got hit with some very heavy winter storms this week. Christmas is over, but winter weather, unfortunately, is here to stay, for at least another couple of months. If you live in a state where the weather outside is frightful, you are going to need to be extra careful while driving through the snow and ice. Amica insurance has some excellent advice about how to stay safe while driving this winter. Winter weather can cause some drivers to feel very anxious. Snow and ice on the road can cause vehicles to slide into … Continue reading

How to Avoid Insurance Claims This Christmas

If your family celebrates Christmas, your home is probably filled with decorations right now. Those decorations might be beautiful, and looking at them might bring a smile to your face, as you think of memories of Christmas from previous years. Unfortunately, many Christmas decorations come with their own, potential, risks. Here is some advice about how to avoid having to file insurance claims this Christmas. Is your Christmas tree a real one? If so, you need to be especially careful about open flames. Real trees have a tendency to dry out very quickly. If there are lit candles, or a … Continue reading

State Farm Sets William Shatner on Fire

State Farm Insurance has a history of making eye-catching videos around this time of year. The purpose is to bring awareness to some of the dangerous things that can happen around the holidays. Their latest video involves William Shatner, a deep fryer, and lots of flames. State Farm is an insurance company that sells many types of insurance. They sell homeowners policies, car insurance, health insurance, and more. All insurance companies want to reduce the amount of money that they end up spending on insurance claims. One excellent way to do that is to create interesting videos that point out … Continue reading

New Year’s Day Most Popular Day For Car Thefts

New Year’s Day, January 1, is the day when the most cars are stolen in the United States. This means that a lot of people are going to be making police reports and insurance claims on New Year’s Day. Fortunately, there are some simple, common sense, things that you can do to avoid having your vehicle stolen today. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, or NCIB, there were 2,760 vehicle thefts on January 1, 2009. More vehicle thefts took place on that day than on any other holiday in 2009. Halloween of 2009 had 2,325 vehicle thefts, which means … Continue reading

The Most Dangerous Day for California Drivers

If you live in California, you might want to keep your car in the garage on a certain day in December. There is one particular day has been identified by the Allstate insurance company as the day when the most car insurance claims are reported by it’s customers. It is the day when the most car accidents happen in California. What day is it? Well, it’s not December 25, or December 31. Allstate reviewed the car insurance claims that were reported by it’s California drivers in the past four years. They found that the number of claims that are filed … Continue reading

How To Have a Claim Free Holiday Season

I just love the holiday season, I love cooking, baking, making gifts, entertaining and everything about being stressed-out with the joy of giving my family and friends the best I have to share. It’s the time of the year I enjoy giving others something they wouldn’t ordinarily give to themselves. We always have a huge party and invite everyone, It’s my turn to show off and give them the taste of my cooking. We all (hopefully) invest in a Homeowner or Renters insurance policy for a reason. The fact is that every year the holidays bring multiple opportunities for families … Continue reading