Maternity Care in the U.S.

The recent birth of the royal prince cost $15,000.  That sounds like a lot, right?  It is, but it’s only half the cost of a birth in America.  That’s right: the average price of a birth — in a normal hospital, not a luxury wing — in the U.S. is $30,000.  That makes us, according to an in-depth article by The New York Times, the nation that pays the most for maternity care.  Yet, we also have one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed world.  It seems like these two things should counter one another, but in … Continue reading

Sebelius Announces Countdown to Affordable Insurance

Kathleen Sebelius has written a very interesting post on HealthCare.Gov today. It is titled “Countdown to Affordable Health Insurance”. It gives exciting details about the upcoming health insurance exchanges, and how to access them. Some of you might be able to get help with the cost of coverage right now! Kathleen Sebelius is the Secretary of Health and Human Services. You have probably heard her name mentioned quite a lot in regards to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (which is also called Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare”). Right now, you can go to HealthCare.Gov to read her post … Continue reading

Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions and Save on Insurance

What was your New Year’s resolution for 2013? The popular ones include losing weight, quitting smoking, and saving money. You might be struggling to keep that promise to yourself right now. Hang in there! Keeping some types of New Year’s Resolutions could save you some money on your insurance premiums. No matter what your insurance premiums cost, you probably would be happy if they were lower. This is true for auto insurance, life insurance, and health insurance. Fortunately, there might be a few ways to convince your insurer that they should lower your rate, or, at the very least, not … Continue reading

Does Your Health Plan Include Pet Insurance?

The majority of Americans who have health insurance are able to afford it because it come to them through their employer. Some employers are starting to include coverage for pet insurance. This can make it much easier for pet owners to take good care of their dogs and cats. It is absolutely vital that people have affordable health insurance coverage. Those that don’t have it either hold off getting the health care they need until a minor issue becomes a serious one, or they end up in debt from medical bills. Your employer sponsored health insurance can cover you, your … Continue reading

What to Do When You Can’t Afford Medical Treatment

Sometimes a doctor will recommend a medical treatment to improve your health, but it is one that you just can’t afford. What can you do? First, you need to start with your doctor. Doctors often don’t know all of the costs associated with medical treatment, including prescriptions and other therapies. You can often work with the office staff or the pharmacy to estimate costs. They should give you a good idea of how much payment for which you may be responsible. If you find that this amount is out of reach, go back to your doctor, who can often help … Continue reading

What’s On Your Life Insurance Annual Policy Statement?

A life insurance policy can provide your family with some financial protection that will help them to continue paying the bills after you have passed away. You can learn some very important things about your life insurance policy by reading over your annual notice of policy status. You might think of it as the “Cliff’s Notes” version of your life insurance policy. Most people don’t like to think about life insurance because you cannot do it without acknowledging that you, and your spouse, are going to someday pass away. While it can be uncomfortable to consider this serious topic, it … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – July 15 – 21, 2012

Once a week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review brings you an easy way to “ketchup” on the blogs that have been posted here in the past seven days. There could be anywhere between twelve and fourteen blogs that appear. What did you miss? Governor Jay Nixon Vetoes Law Denying Birth Control Coverage Missouri Governor Jay Nixon vetoed a bill that would have allowed health insurers to opt-out of covering birth control even if the employer and employee wanted it to be covered. Missouri already has a law that allows employers or workers opt-out of birth control coverage if it … Continue reading

Amica Insurance Has Tips to Beat the Heat

It is Summer, and the weather is hot! Many parts of the United States are currently experiencing a heat wave. High temperatures can be very dangerous, and even lethal. Amica Insurance has some tips that can help you beat the heat, stay cool, and stay safe this Summer. I’ve been getting email from friends and family who live in the Midwest. All of them have noted that the temperature has hit the 100’s, and that it is way to hot to even consider going outside. A quick glance at Twitter tells me that my friends, across the nation, are also … Continue reading

How Much is My Co-Pay?

Some types of health insurance require a person to pay a co-pay at the time that they are seen by a doctor. Others will not. If your insurance plan wants you to pay a co-pay, then you need to find out how much that co-pay will be. Here is how to go about figuring out that important piece of information. Today, I had reason to use my brand new health insurance plan for the very first time. The receptionist at my doctor’s office noted that I had new health insurance. She asked me what my co-pay was. I had no … Continue reading