More Good News From My Health Insurance Company

Today, I unexpectedly got a letter from my health insurance company. It wasn’t a bill, and it wasn’t a letter telling me that they were going to increase my premiums, or drop my coverage. Instead, it was filled with good news about things that will soon be covered by my health insurance policy. I’ve only had my health insurance plan for a couple of months. I haven’t actually had a reason to use it, yet. Fortunately, I haven’t gotten into any serious accidents, and have been relatively healthy. The only problems I’ve been having are allergy related and I find … Continue reading

Acupuncture Could Help Alleviate ADHD Symptoms

Acupuncture has been used to relieve pain, to alleviate allergy symptoms, and to help with a variety of other health issues. Some have found that acupuncture helps children who have ADHD, by reducing some of their symptoms. It is not a “cure”, but it can be a useful, additional, treatment for ADHD. Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been around for more than 2,000 years. The National Institutes of Health have done studies that show that acupuncture can be effective for certain types of health problems. They specifically focused on people who were receiving acupuncture for back … Continue reading

Insurance Companies Make Acupuncture a Pain

More and more people are turning to acupuncture for the many health benefits that this form of treatment can provide. At the same time, health insurance companies are unwilling to cover the cost of the acupuncture treatments, or are placing limits on what they will cover. This is one example where insurers are not in touch with what their customers want in a health insurance policy. A report done by Deloitte and Oxford Economics find that in 2009, people spent $363 billion dollars more on health care than the official government reports acknowledged. This is a 15% discrepancy. For many … Continue reading

Acupuncture and the Atkins Diet

One of the reasons that I chose the Atkins diet was because I wanted to lose weight. The other reason was to help me figure out if I really did have an allergy to gluten. My acupuncturist was able to help me confirm that I do, unfortunately, have a gluten allergy. I started going for acupuncture treatments earlier this year, months before starting the Atkins diet. My main objective with acupuncture was to see if it could help me with my many allergies. I remember that I had a particularly rough week, allergically speaking, and was searching for absolutely anything … Continue reading

Things to Consider Before Buying Health Insurance

Buying health insurance for the first time? You might be feeling overwhelmed by all the different choices, options, and insurance companies that are out there to choose from. If you are lucky, then you can get health insurance through your employer. That may, or may not, be the best health insurance for you, though. There are certain things to consider before you buy a health insurance policy. The first thing you should do is take a close look at your budget. How much can you reasonably afford to pay each month for health insurance coverage? This gives you a “ball … Continue reading

How to Avoid Some Health Insurance Hassles

Health insurance companies use a bit of gamesmanship when they select which customers they are going to cover, and which they are going to deny. Their purpose is to keep their costs as low as possible, while increasing their profits. Savvy consumers can play this game, too. The more you know about how health insurance works, the less hassle you will have to deal with. You might even end up saving yourself some money in the process. Does your health insurance come with a network? If so, then you can save yourself some money by making sure that the doctors … Continue reading

Does Arthritis Run in Your Family?

When genealogists put together their medical family tree, they tend to include information that points out which ancestors had certain kinds of cancer, or who had heart issues. You might also want to make a note of relatives who have arthritis. If it runs in your family, CNN has a quiz you can take that will help determine how likely it is that you have it. Arthritis is something that seems to run in my family. I can remember my grandmother telling me when her arthritis was bothering her. As far as I can tell, it seems to have affected … Continue reading

Americans Want Health Insurance to Cover Alternative Medicine

In general, if you are paying for health insurance, there is the expectation that the insurance will cover the health care that you require. Many Americans (including myself), are using some form of alternative medicine, either instead of traditional medicine, or in addition to it. There is a growing push to require health insurance companies to cover acupuncture and massage treatments. I just started having acupuncture treatment in an attempt to improve my chronic allergies. Now, I don’t have health insurance, at all, so I went in completely aware that I would be paying for all of my treatments out … Continue reading

Does Your Insurance Cover Acupuncture?

I went for my very first acupuncture treatment today, and doing so had me wondering about health insurance and non-traditional forms of health care. Does your health insurance cover acupuncture treatment? Does the answer to that question influence your decision to pursue this kind of treatment? My decision to try acupuncture came shortly after an incredibly horrific week of allergy symptoms. I’ve written several articles and blogs in the past that describe a little bit about what I deal with when my allergies go haywire. It’s unpleasant, to put it mildly. I’ve already been through most of what Western medicine … Continue reading