Insurance Podcast Roundup – Week of December 19, 2011

It is time, once again, for the weekly Insurance Podcast Roundup. This is where to look for new episodes of podcasts that focus on insurance related issues. It is also a good way to stay informed with some of the current news that could affect your insurance policies. NPR released an episode of “All Things Considered” on December 14, 2011. This episode is called “Hospitals Torn on Reducing Repeat Admissions”. Starting in the Fall of 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services will start penalizing hospitals whose Medicare readmission rates are higher than expected for heart attacks, heart failure, … Continue reading

California Bill Could Prevent Health Insurance Rate Hikes

A bill is being considered by lawmakers in California that could, if passed, prevent insurance companies that sell health insurance from forcing unreasonable rate increases on their customers. It would give state regulators the power they need to stop that from happening. Some insurance groups are unhappy about this possibility. Last year, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of California said that it was planning on increasing the cost of its customer’s health insurance premiums by 59%. This provoked outrage not only in the customers of this insurance company, but also in insurance regulators in California. Unfortunately, the Insurance Commissioner … Continue reading

Ways You Should Spend Your Money

Here in the Money department, I spend a lot of time talking about budgets and being conservative. But you know what—there are times when you need to spend money, and that’s what I’m focusing on today. Shoes – okay, you can probably get away with a pair of cheap flip-flops from time to time, but you do need to buy some good quality shoes. If you stand at work or you’re a runner or you’re going grocery shopping or doing any other kind of activity that requires you to spend time on a hard concrete floor, you need the support … Continue reading

Liability Insurance For Pets?

If you are a pet owner, no matter what kind of pets you have, you know that sometimes your pets will need to visit a veterinarian. You might have purchased pet insurance to help with the (often expensive) cost of the medical care your pet needs. Have you also purchased liability insurance on your pet? Some lawmakers in Texas want to require all dog owners to buy a pet liability insurance policy. This has brought up some controversy. There is a piece of common sense that anyone who owns a pet soon comes to realize. Pets, just like humans, do … Continue reading

Are You Unhappy With Your Health Insurance?

It cannot be a surprise to hear that many Americans are unhappy with their health insurance. It is this unhappiness that may have influenced the current health insurance reforms. The hope is that eventually, all Americans will be able to have a health insurance policy that will be happy with. At this transitional moment, however, both those without, and those with, health insurance are largely dissatisfied with how things are working for them. Right now, if you are someone like me, who has absolutely no health insurance at all, even the smallest common cold can be terrifying. I have nightmares … Continue reading

Insurance Fraud as a Form of Revenge?

Are you unhappy with the treatment your insurance company has been giving you? Has their customer service department fallen short of your expectations? Are you angry enough about this situation to actually commit insurance fraud? It seems that some people are willing to take that risk. What is insurance fraud? It is the term used when a person, (or group of people), intentionally lie to an insurance company about the true events in a situation that caused that person to file a claim. This can take all kinds of different forms. Let’s say a person was in a minor car … Continue reading

Fighting a Denied Claim May Be Worth It

Few things are more frustrating than when your health insurance company denies your claim. No one wants to pay out of pocket for something that they were reasonably certain that their insurance company was supposed to cover. Often, people feel as though there is nothing they can do when this unfortunate situation occurs, except to scrape together the money to pay the medical bill. However, a study finds that it might be worth it for you to fight that denial after all. You went through the long, tedious, process of applying for health insurance. Maybe you spent a lot of … Continue reading

Cut Down Wait Times at the Doctor’s Office

If it feels like you spend the whole day waiting when you’ve got a doctor’s appointment, you’re not alone. In a fast-paced world, it can be hard to sit back and wait — especially when your health is concerned. Here are some tips that can help cut down on your wait times when you have a doctor’s appointment. Be prepared beforehand. Have your medical history (it may be easier to have your history written out before you go), copies of test results and discharge information from other doctors, and a current medication list. Bringing x-rays and other test results can … Continue reading